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Writer's pictureApril Knapp

A Prayer of Intentional Rest

God of My Soul,

You are a Provider of rest-you make me lie down in green pastures and lead me beside still waters.1 You are the Restorer of my soul. Your water is living and refreshing. It gives life and reviving.

I confess that I am not proficient in true soul rest. I overwork myself, abiding in stress rather than in Your peace. I am tempted to find identity in what I do instead of in who you say I am. I avoid rest out of needless guilt, poor boundaries, or as a means of avoidance of the storms swirling deep in my soul. I am weary and heavy laden. Forgive me and enable me to leave my burdens in your hands and take only your easy yolk.

Thank you for being a God of lavish mercy and grace. Thank you for providing true rest for my soul-rest that can only come from you.

As I take time to rest today, quiet my mind and soul that I may hear you. Speak to me in the quiet spaces. Push away the distractions that fill my heart and mind and free me from my own inner chaos. I surrender to you my stress, my ministry, my tasks, and my burdens. Lead me to ways that will truly rest my soul-not just mere numbing-but invigorating rest.

Above all, let me know you in a deeper way. In your grace, allow me to hear what words you have for me today. Let me leave this time knowing I’ve rested my soul completely in your trustworthy arms. Revive me with your rivers of living water and quench my thirsty soul.



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