How To Slow Down and Experience God in the Everyday

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28), God whispers to our bedraggled souls. But the laundry is piling up and the kids are begging me to play and there are dishes to be washed, snotty noses to wipe, deadlines to meet. I have to keep going or I’ll never get it accomplished.
Rest. It seems like an unattainable fantasy. Who has time to rest in our busy, demanding culture? And if we actually have the time, we feel guilty taking it. We think we’re being idle; we’re comparing ourselves to the “perfect mom” down the street; we fear the disapproval of others; we fear we’re ruining our children for life.
But, fear is not from the Lord. He promised us freedom instead of fear, rest instead of the weary try-hard culture we live in: a culture that promises ultimate fulfillment, but always fails to deliver. Our try-harder way is not working.

“Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth,” (Psalm 46:10)
The Lord invites us to be still and know him-know the Almighty, majestic, Creator, and Ruler of the universe! What a wondrous invitation! We can either accept or reject that invitation. If we accept, we find our souls nourished and healed by the Almighty Lover of our Souls. We experience the joy of knowing the One who swirled planets into existence and turns the depths of depravity into the heights of glory.
If the laundry piles up and the dishes sit in the sink for a few days, God will still be exalted among the nations. If we reject his invitation, he will still be exalted-and we will miss out.
We don’t want to miss out. But, how do we rest in a culture that tells us to keep going or else? How do we rest when our season of life demands that we be awake late into the night and up at the crack of dawn?
I want to help you find rest for your soul and know God more intimately. Sign Up to receive my free guide, "5 Ways to Slow and Experience God in the Everyday. It includes five suggestions for walking with God in the daily and grace-filled challenges to help you develop the habit.